We run Zoom CPD tutorials fortnightly at 8am Fridays AEST.
These are casual, case-based and well suited to people with an interest in small animal internal medicine. Please join the CPD Tutorial Group by subscribing here.
Today we discuss the different types of bleeding and neurological disorders we can see in emergency presentations (where my smart colleagues teach me stuff about transfusion medicine!). The last section of the tutorial is how to differentiate a surgical from a non-surgical acute abdomen, some cool tricks in this bit!
Today, we cover the definitions of the different forms of shock, tests to identify failure of oxygen delivery meeting oxygen requirements, and emergency management for the different forms.
We have moved onto emergency medicine today, and starting at the beginning, cover a system for triaging that people starting their emergency med journey can use so as not to miss things. We cover the endothelial glycocalyx for dummies, and the implications for fluid management and resuscitation in different clinical scenarios.
Interventional medicine might seem a bit unapproachable for most patients / cases / clinics… In this tutorial, we run through all the contrast studies and interventional techniques that are approachable in your clinics. How do we diagnose an obstructed Ureter? How can we pick up ectopic ureters? This is a practical guide to what you can do with a bottle of iodine and an X-ray machine!
Basics of echocardiography - focusing on 4 views, the right long axis, right 5 chamber, right short axis apical, and right short axis LA/Ao view. We apply this to different disease processes and what you'd expect to see. Anyone looking for an extension on this tutorial should follow up with this internal echo tutorial we did for our sonographers. We touch on ECG in the last 10 mins too!
Actually more of an extension of the POCUS exam discussion from last tutorial. Today we run through what to expect and what questions you can answer with thoracic ultrasonography. We just spend 10 minutes discussing different sample preparation techniques to maximise the pathologists chance of getting an answer.
There's a lot of buttons on the ultrasound machine, which ones do I need? which ones will mess everything up? We run through the three settings that will help you in an emergency, and the views that can help you find free fluid, renal pelvic dilation, ileus, and bladder pathology, pneumothorax and more.
Case based discussion around different presentations of abdominal and thoracic effusions, as well as some tips and tricks for what to look for on your in house urinalysis.
We run through those pesky blood abnormalities, looking at changes in sodium potassium and calcium. We talk about a system for reviewing whether these changes are significant, or whether we can ignore them!
Starting from the top... How is fat digested, absorbed, and utilised? What forms does it take? Why don't dogs have strokes and heart attacks associated with their high cholesterol? Why is hyperlipidaemia a problem then?
Where does protein come from? Where does it go? What processes might cause alterations in serum and plasma proteins? We run through some biochem examples and use them as a basis to discuss protein physiology and pathology. We also touch on derangements in glucose, and in particular the guidelines on diagnosing diabetes https://www.esve.org/alive/search.aspx. Last but not least... detecting early renal injury!
Weird CBC results? When to ignore, when to look further, and when to get really, really worried...
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